2013-2014 Tryout Registration (London Junior Knights)

2013-2014 Tryout Registration
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2013-2014 Tryout Registration Form with Payment
This tryout registration form and payment must be completed if your player is trying out for a London Junior Knights team for the 2013-2014 season. 

The LJK have enabled an online payment system through PayPal. You can pay via a personal PayPal account if you have one, or via major credit card as a guest on PayPal. Debit cards are not accepted through PayPal.  You will see that it says you can pay with a debit card, but this is not the same as our bank debit cards.

When you have completed this form by answering all questions, click Submit Form and your registration information will be saved in our database.

On the next page click 'Click Here to Pay Online' and you will be transferred to PayPal to complete the registration process by entering payment information.

To complete the registration process, you must complete the payment process.  Any registration forms submitted without the accompanying payment verification are not valid and your player will not be allowed to tryout for a team.

On the PayPal site, enter all required information, and when your payment information has been accepted, you will be transferred back to the LJK site.

PayPal will email you a receipt of payment, and we will also be notified that your payment was successful.

Please print out your PayPal receipt and bring it with you to the rink for your players first tryout.

Tryout Fee Breakdown
Minor Atom - Minor Midget AA tryouts only $85
Minor Atom - Minor Midget Full Tryouts $135
Minor Peewee (includes body checking clinic) AA tryouts only $105
Minor Peewee (includes body checking clinic) Full Tryouts $155
Midget Full Tryouts $70

* Minor Peewee includes a $20 mandatory body checking clinic fee
* Goalies are exempt from the body checking clinic
* Midget tryout registration will be available after other tryouts have completed.

Registration Fees for the 2013-2014 Season
Registration Fee Minor Atom to Minor Midget $1350
AAA Upcharge Fee Minor Atom to Minor Midget $50
Registration Fee Midget $750
AAA Upcharge Fee Midget $25

* The AAA upcharge fees are assessed after team selection

If you have any questions, or have any issues with this online form, please send an email to: registration@londonjuniorknights.com